2987 Clairmont Rd NE, Suite 230
Atlanta, GA 30329
©2025 MovementForward, Inc.
The One Congregation One Precinct (OneCOP) initiative, MovementForward’s signature program, facilitates positive, ongoing partnerships between local law enforcement agencies and diverse congregations of every faith tradition. This includes organizing various crime and violence prevention/solving efforts, hosting public safety briefings, providing cultural and sensitivity training, conducting officer appreciation events, holding community safety workshops, and hosting forums focused on bettering the relationship between cops and citizens.
In light of tensions currently felt between many civilians and law enforcement professionals, leaders in every relevant sector must work cooperatively to improve and strengthen relationships between officers and citizens before an explosive scenario occurs in their local communities. The purpose of this innovative effort is to curb mounting tensions between citizens and law enforcement officers by building partnerships and mutual understanding, as well as establishing a structured framework for the public to assist law enforcement efforts. Most major national law enforcement groups (e.g., National Sheriffs’ Association, Fraternal Order of Police, National Police Foundation, National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives) are collaborating with and have signed on to participate in OneCOP.
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OneCOP Press Conference
OneCOP Luncheon
MovementForward brought the OneCOP initiative to life in July 2016 after a rash of high-profile violent crimes in metro Atlanta created a need for community cooperation with law enforcement. Clergy leaders saw an urgent need to coalesce and act in unison with police to address crime and foster a culture of concern, cooperation, and reciprocal respect. Today, OneCOP is established in cities across the country.
Rev. Markel Hutchins
President & Chief Executive Officer, MovementForward
The OneCOP model is a proactive rather than reactive approach to addressing tensions around police-involved incidents as well as ongoing crime and violence in local communities. OneCOP has three objectives that incorporate the six pillars outlined by the former Task Force on 21st Century Policing of the U.S. Department of Justice – Office of Community Oriented Policing Services:
Improve public safety through collaboration and information sharing to prevent, combat, and solve crimes by tapping into the varied resources of faith-based institutions
Increase community engagement with patrol-level police officers, via congregations, resulting in decreased bias and increased familiarity, mutual respect, and trust
Proactively create a direct link between law enforcement executives and community leaders in an effort to give voice to growing public concerns relative to policing
Once paired together, officers and houses of worship work together to organize events, activities, and programs that address the specific needs of the surrounding community. Creativity is key — community members best understand the uniqueness of their own hometown —, and OneCOP staff are always available to assist in planning activities. Read through our implementation guides (for faith organizations, for law enforcement) and browse example efforts below.
Jacksonville Sheriffs' Office and OneCOP Rollout